About Me

My photo
I am a 38 year old married woman with one 8 year old son. I have worked retail for 14 years and love what I do and the life I am living

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

10 months after surgery!!! Life is great

Hello friends and followers, I know I haven't posted in a while, but life has been so great, I haven't had time to post. I just wanted to give you an update on my journey, well after ten months since my change I am down 135 pounds, which means I have finally hit 200 pounds.
Collin and myself in February
My in March 2012
Collin and myself in June 2009

MY next goal is to lose the last 40 to 60 pounds
by my 1 year anniversary.
This will get me to 160-140 pounds by September 14th . 
Weight lose has slowed down to
1 to 2 pounds per week, but as long as
 I continue to eat right and
exercises my goal will be reach. 
Thank you again for all the
 support and love from all my
friends and followers.  I will keep
you posted on
my husband and my progress. 
In February my husband had his surgery, so we started the journey together , which I have found has made things much easier, because we are both eating and exercising the same way.  We are now doing this truly as a family. 
Collin and myself in June 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Six months Out!!!

December 2011
January 2012
Well it's been 6 months since surgery and things have been getting better. I have had my six month appointment with my doctor and I am now at 250 pounds.  I'm excited 85 pounds I have lost since my decision to change my life, it has been an interesting journey and I'm only a year out since my original decision.

Now I'm focused on continue to lose the weight and controlling what I'm eating.  I think the hardest part has been fitting exercise into my daily routine and a couple of other medical things that have come up.  I still will never regret my decision and will continue to work hard on getting to that healthy body size that I have always wanted to be.

This decision has also help me be an inspiration  to some friends who have been struggling with weight and find my story helpful.   I also want to thank all the friends and family who have continue to be their and continue to support me in my life changes.  I will check in later and let you know how I'm doing. My next goal is to be at 200 pound in three months when I go back to see my doctor.  I know I can do it, even though the weight is coming off slower now, I will continue to push toward my goal.  Talk soon!!!!!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

A month Has passed since the change in my Life!!!

September 2010
October 2011
It has been a month since I was on the operating table. I have been through a lot since the day of my surgery. Some people have ask me if it was worth the upset stomach, the vomiting, and nausea and retraining my body how to eat. My answer to that is yes....I have now come down 60points since I went in the hospital. It has only been a month, but I'm felling better in my clothes and I am excited to see what is to come. I am going to be keeping you guys up to date on my changes.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Life as Monica Wilson: Lesson learned!!

My Life as Monica Wilson: Lesson learned!!

Lesson learned!!

Hello blogger buddies..... Well I just return from vacation and I found out one thing, vacation can cause weight gain if you don't stay focused.
I had a little setback and gained back 2 pounds,but I will not let it discourage me.I just learned that even on vacation find a way to exercise and even though you are not cooking the food, still have to watch calorie intake. Lesson learned. Just a little longer exercise the next few weeks to get back on track. Thanks for the continued support bloggers and I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Weight!!!!

Hello Friends,
More of my great life changing story, so this great change of my life started on December 22, 2011 when I arrived at my primary doctors office and the nurse asked me to step on the scale, so she could get my height and weight.  I look at the number and couldn't believe what I was seeing.  This was the largest that I had ever been( 335 pounds)  Yes I chose to share the number, bcause I have promised myself that I would never get to that number again. You guys will be my help to stay focused and committed to this,   At the moment, I knew that changes need to be done, right now. 
As I look back to see how I got to this point in my life and how I could have allowed myself to continue to grow until I reached 335 pounds, it truly was me using food as my therapy and comfort from being a shy person and not sure who I was as a person, where I fit in with my family as well as in my life.  I use food as a comfort when I got laid off from my job in 2009 and when I was stressed about planning a wedding. 

Well today is a new day, I have taken on a new eating pattern, I have started a exercise plan, 6am every morning, I'm up exercising  ( Yes....6am). 

Today, I went to the Doctor and I am down to 321 pounds.......I love it.  What will happen in my life now!!!! Just wait to see

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Thank you to all my friends for supporting me, So know I need a little bit support on temptations.  I know I am suppose to use will power on taking things I don't need into my body, but how do you really stay away temptations?